Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Was a "Birther" Before it Was Cool....

Birther A conspiracy theorist who believes that Barack Obama is ineligible for the Presidency of the United States, based on any number of claims related to his place of birth, birth certificate, favorite birthday, or whether or not he has heard the song Africa by Toto.

"Did you know that Barack Obama's parents concealed the location of his birth because they knew he would grow up to be President? What? Of course it makes sense, I'm a birther!"

Seriously! If you GOOGLE birther, that's the Urban Dictionary definition! It's really NOT even a word, meaning you can't play it during "Scrabble" or "Words With Friends" and when do a Spell-Check, it's hilighted all over the page! See: 

First, a confession. I was watching "Oprah" when she introduced "Barack Obama" as her Senator & friend. I LIKED HIM! A LOT! I honestly thought "Dayumm! If we have to have a (D) for President, he's like 100 X better than Hillary! Oh my God!"[1]

----------[End Confession!]---------
I was NOT blinded by his bleached teeth! Plz READ ON!

Then I started doing research. Before Jerome Corsi, before Glenn Beck, I swear, I HAD EVERYTHING! A lot of my notes are on the HD of my PC that crashed (it's right down there under my desk along with pictures that I really NEED...), but the day after the election EVERY SINGLE LINK was DISABLED... Not some, ALL OF THEM! Scrubbed CLEAN! Just.. GONE

Apparently, for good reason...

Before I continue with what I know from what I read BEFORE everything was GONE, I have another confession. I was raised a Democrat

I came to my senses in 1992 when I changed jobs & my co-worker whose position I was replacing was RIGHTER-than-Rush! He introduced me to #RushLimbaugh. Everything that had always just BEEN started to make SENSE and I knew why I was always uncomfortable with the liberal ideology. It was almost commiserate with a religious experience in that there was a REASON why NOTHING ever made sense but I didn't know any better!

Back to Barry (I ALWAYS call him Barry, that's what I know his name to be and that's how I roll!).


1. I live in Cali so when you say "Oh My God!" God is pronounced like Gawd!

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