Wednesday, January 15, 2014

#HatingBreitbart - On Netflix - a MUST SEE!

@HatingBreitbart #Fight4Breitbart #BreitbartIsHere

I made it to the end b4 I started to cry! What an amazing man. What a legacy. What a MISSION! What a MOVIE! What a life that ended WAY too soon...

If you didn't know Andrew b4, you will know a small piece of him after watching "Hating Breitbart." All I knew is what I saw on FNC, little snippets of a Conservative man calling out the Liberals on their lies...and there were MANY! ACORN (O'Keefe getting "O'Keefed!" PRICELESS!), Sherrod, allegations that TEA Party ppl hurled the "N"-word 15 TIMES at a black (D) Senator and of course, Anthony Weiner.

In my head I know that in death we are supposed to celebrate the lives of those who have passed. How, moving forward (the GOOD "forward," NOT the bassackward BARRY-FORWARD), do any of us carry on the work of this man? I don't have the answer yet, but I feel like a FLAME, that was dimmed long ago has been reignited and it can't be ignored. 

We all have a VOICE! We all have a NEW MEDIA OUTLET for that VOICE! I think using that VOICE in a CONSISTENT and TRUTHFUL message might be the way... The ONLY WAY to expose what continues to happen behind the West Wing Door. So if you're a liberal, a progressive, a socialist or a communist (they are ALL one-in-the-same) you won't like me. And honestly, I don't give a shit! What I have, what WE HAVE (the Conservatives, the REAL REPUBS, the Libertarians, those with half-a-brain and a modicum of common sense) is the TRUTH! 

That's what I want from Barry, that's what WE the PEOPLE deserve, WHAT Andrew DUG DEEP to FIND, is the Goddamn TRUTH... When you find it, SHARE IT! If it's a half-truth, don't want it! Keep it to yourself. I want the GOD AWFUL, down and DIRTY, NAKED-fucking-TRUTH and nothing but...

...The Truth...

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