Friday, January 31, 2014

Congrats NaziPeLousy...err...NancyPelosi...

Leader Pelosi to Address Planned Parenthood Annual Gala; Will Accept Margaret Sanger Award

“No one is more deserving of this honor than Leader Pelosi, who has fought tirelessly throughout her career to protect and expand women’s access to health care" - Cecile Richards
That's an unnerving statement considering Margart Sanger was a Eugenicist:
Sanger believed she was ‘working in accord with the universal law of evolution’. She maintained that the brains of Australian Aborigines were only one step more evolved than chimpanzees and just under blacks, Jews and Italians.
I find that belief not only unnerving, but disturbing. I think anyone with a conscience would feel the same. Mags was a "Darwinian" which is by todays definition an "Atheist." 
When arguing for eugenics, Sanger quoted Darwin as an authority when discussing ‘natural checks’ of the population, such as war, which helped to reduce the population.14 Her magazine even argued for ‘state-sponsored sterilization programs’, forcibly sterilizing the ‘less capable’.15 She won many academics and scientists to her cause, including Harvard University sociologists E. M. East, University of Michigan President Clarence C. Little and Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Alfred Meyer.
If you click on "eugenics" you will be magically transported to a wikipedia page that explains the term.
That said, think about Mags as a CHAMPION of "Birth Control" and "Founder" of PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Her ultimate goal, that of eugenics, was NOT to PREVENT pregnancies, but to convince women who were weak, distraught, mentally ill, physically challenged, of color or who didn't want to be "burdened" with a child to TERMINATE their pregnancy. Thus freeing them to do what THEY WANTED with THEIR LIFE and again, not be BURDENED with a child.
Compare that to the Mission of Planned Parenthood: 
“To empower individuals to determine their own sexual health and reproductive futures.”
What does that even mean?
You can read the rest of their MISSION STATEMENT and CORE VALUES by clicking on the words.
I'm so NOT done here, but this topic makes me queazy. On a happy note, here my little munchkin at 12.5 wks:

You can see her head, her torso, her little arms, her booty, her leg bent at the knee!
She (or he) was moving all around, still to little for mommy to feel, but she even has fingers!
If she's anything like my son, her daddy, she'll be sucking her thumb in a couple weeks
and playing her own version of "Womb Soccer!" This is a LIFE! It has a heartbeat!
All of her little baby parts are there, they just need another 28 wks to get big & strong.

Planned Parenthood would have you believe that is OK! It's SAFE! It's EASY!
It's your RIGHT to have that little baby torn up during a D & C and then vacuumed out
by a lovely machine. When you wake up, PROBLEM SOLVED!
But it's not... There will come a time when you realize that along WITH that beating heart
a part of yours was vacuumed out and tossed away too. Planned Parenthood doesn't TELL
you how to deal with THAT GRIEF! PP will tell you, YOU should NOT be ASHAMED! You should
wear a T-Shirt that proclaims: "I HAD AN ABORTION!" Be PROUD that you exercised
your RIGHT to manage your Sexual & Reproductive Health!

There IS SHAME in killing that little baby.
your RIGHT to "Sexual & Reproductive Health" BEFORE you had sex and
"ACCIDENTLY" created a LIFE... Abortion ISN'T "birth control." 

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