Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Atheists: I REALLY Tried...

Back and forth today with a couple of Atheist-Extremists.

I tried David "Fancy @MrAtheistPants" Silverman, but when it comes right down to it, you are not a nice person. You spend your time and Non-Profit "donations" bringing people to your "church." Don't SCOFF, when you proselytize in an attempt to "convert" the God-Fearing, to your "godless-world," you're doing for religious or political purposes. Since not a single person belongs to or votes for the "Atheist Party" you, dude, are organizing a CHURCH sans the Higher Power.

FancyPants was on Gretchen Carlson's Show on FNC last week with a Priest and a Rabbi discussing "Religion" or lack thereof. It made no sense then and it makes no sense now why anyone would discuss anything to do with Religion and include an atheist. It's like inviting the President of PETA to a backyard BBQ of beef, chicken, rabbit and pork then asking them, "So, what did you think of the food?" You aren't going to get an intelligent comment, they will be OUTRAGED, pass out fliers and try to convince the guy with rib meat stuck in his teeth and BBQ sauce all over his face and fingers that he would be a MUCH HAPPIER, MORALLY-FULFILLED person if he was a VEGAN! Yeah, no...

Would Richard Dawkins ever acknowledge that
his rabid atheism is actually a religious view?

Atheism is the position that affirms the non-existence of God. It proposes positive disbelief rather than mere suspension of belief.”1

I am NOT a "Religious" person. Spiritual? Yes. But organized religion? No. I know too many people, including a close family member, who are Sunday-only Christians. The only thing worse than someone who's rubbing their beliefs, or disbeliefs, in your face are hypocrites. Anyone who goes around LOOKING for things that don't conform to their DISbelief and crying "I'm OFFENDED! That Ground-Zero cross means NOTHING to ME, so it should be removed!" is the worse kind of HYPOCRISY. YOU mean NOTHING to ME, so YOU should be REMOVED - YOU are truly OFFENSIVE. If your "intent" is really, as you say, to draw out the "Closet Atheists" who go to church because they think they HAVE TO, EPIC*fucking*FAIL! You're more like a kiddie-diddler who goes to summer camp trying to flush out the pedophiles. 

Sidebar: No doubt I've made FancyPants' day, being an attention whore and all... But there's nothing Fancy about your Pants dude. I would pity you, but you and your cult have earned nothing but my contempt...

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